About Us




Blue Edge, Inc. is a commercial appraisal firm with commercial licenses and Appraisal Institute designated appraisers. Our appraisers have more than 25 years experience in the commercial valuation industy. Chris Baldwin, SRA is the chief appraiser for Blue Edge. Chris received his SRA from the Appraisal Institute in 1994 and is on schedule to receive the MAI for the Appraisal Institute in 2024..


Chris provides valuation products throughout the United States. Blue Edge has as office in Plainfield, Illinois.


Chris has licenses in South Carolina, Indiana and Illinois with licenses applied for in Georgia, North Carolina and Virgina.


Chris has 25 years of valuation experience valuing properties from small Mom and Pop stores to mult-milllion dollar highrises.


Blue Edge, Inc. is a national appraisal firm serving all 50 states.













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